I had no other choice than to jump from one pile to the other, as there was nothing in between (with Amadou Sarr)
- 2012
- Link to Video 10'
- Molo (traditional instrument made by Amadou Sarr)
- Text message from Amadou Sarr
- Photo (variable size)
- Qoute from “The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa“ by Peter Geschiere

- 2012
- Link to Video 10'
- Molo (traditional instrument made by Amadou Sarr)
- Text message from Amadou Sarr
- Photo (variable size)
- Qoute from “The Modernity of Witchcraft: Politics and the Occult in Postcolonial Africa“ by Peter Geschiere
Musician and storyteller Amadou Sarr performs in the video.
The documentary videos by the Danish artist Gitte Villesen (*1965) can be understood as portraits in the broadest sense: they explore the form in which individuals or social groups shape their lives within the framework of their cultural possibilities. Villesen illuminates how subjects and identities are constituted in the everyday micro-politics of gestures, habits and rituals in the charged relationship between norm and deviation. At the same time, she carefully avoids social generalizations by situating the practice of documenting as exchange and encounter – as a specific form of social interaction, in which the forms of representation always become the subject of negotiation as well.